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known as a permalink) to an ID directly through the WordPress admin interface. Permalinks in WordPress are designed to be user-friendly URLs that help with SEO and navigation. They typically consist of words or phrases related to the content of your post or page, rather than numeric IDs.

However, if you have a specific reason to want to use numeric IDs in your URLs instead of the default permalinks, you can achieve this by using a custom plugin or modifying your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s a general outline of how you can do it:

1. Backup Your Website: Before making any changes to your website’s code or settings, it’s essential to back up your WordPress site and database. This will help you recover your site in case anything goes wrong.

2. Install a Custom Plugin (Optional): If you prefer not to edit your theme’s files directly, you can use a custom plugin to achieve this. There are plugins available that can help you change the permalinks to numeric IDs. Look for plugins like “WP Permastructure” or “Custom Permalinks.”

3. Edit Your Theme’s functions.php File (Advanced): If you’re comfortable with code and prefer a more custom solution, you can edit your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s a basic example of how you can change permalinks to use post IDs: